These are spinsters.
We are Spunsters. Here we are at our 9th annual Spin-in, enjoying good company, good food, and the lovely scenery of John's Creek Valley.
The Spunsters are friends who enjoy working with fiber and yarn. We get together weekly to spin yarn. Our members also dye, knit, weave, crochet, tat, felt, quilt, and just generally have a good time turning fluff into stuff.
We've set up this website to share who we are and what we do with the rest of the world. Some of us offer our work for sale. The rest are happy just to show you what we're up to.
The Spunsters are located in and around the New River Valley of Virginia. We have two groups, one that meets twice a month in the evening, and one that meets weekly during the day. If you're in our area, and you're crazy about fiber come and join us!